Excuse the lack of updates - been busy studying and not much of note happened this week.
Finally got the courage up to go and get my hair cut today, as I hadn't had one in several months and it was getting a bit Bob Dylan-esque. Went to a nice little place called Mitsui, in the middle of a residental area. Many hand gestures later and I was under the scissors, and even managed a very basic conversation with my barber about the weather, where I was from etc. Relaxing experience all in all.
Yesterday evening yet to the Zigzag (the campus bar run by Declan, the head of the international office: he is Irish/Australian and as such enjoys the odd drink or two) and wound up watching the FA Cup final. Made me feel a bit homesick. Very surreal watching English football with Japanese commentary. Saturday did nothing in particular, had a test on Friday, think it went OK, but you never know really.After the test I went with my class to a Brazillian pizza restaurant (one of my class is Brazillian and she works there). Had a great time, didn't quite know what to expect from Brazilian pizza but it was incredibly nice. Okazaki seems to have a large Brazillian population which is several generations deep; I have no idea why.
Well, that's been pretty much it really. Must get back to studying my verb conjugation. I'm going to try and go to City Hall tomorrow to pick up my alien registration card (the name of this document is the gaikokujin tourokushomeishou: nice and easy to remember, then). I've been there once before but this will be my first time going alone, so I am slightly nervous and anticipate many hand gestures.
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