New term
Oops, looks like I haven't written anything since term started some 3 weeks ago...sorry...
Anyway I am pleased to report that I am enjoying this term a lot more so far. There's a general feeling of having overcome a slump. I really like my new class and my new teachers...I like the stuff we're covering and the practice we're doing...I'm generally feeling more confident in day-to-day conversation...things in the class are generally feeling a lot more at my level than the last two terms, both of which felt like a bit of a baptism by fire.
Therefore, I am thinking about extending my time here by another 3 months (i.e. until end of Sept/start of Oct.). This should (fingers crossed) put me in good stead to take the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Level 2 (there are 4 levels, 1 being the hardest) in December, which should (fingers crossed) increase my employability somewhat. Chi-ching!!
This will, sadly, mean enduring another Japanese summer. I'm sure I can already feel the humidity levels rising...
We have a test on Monday, after which I am thinking of going to Nagoya to see some music. The ever-interesting Tokuzo is hosting Overhang Party, whom I'm rather partial to, as well as Oshiripenpenz (the name roughly translates as, erm, "botty spank-spank", no I'm not kidding), who are certainly an, erm, "interesting" live act, as can be seen from this video.