April 6, 2007


So Kyoto was very nice. My legs sure do ache today though (god only knows how far I actually walked). I started by going to Higashiyama (east of Kyoto Station; there was an international centre there that I wanted to check for jobs), walked the nearby Path of Philosophy north to Ginkakuji (not to be confused with Kinkakuji) then took the bus west to Kinkakuji (not to be confused with Kinkakuji...wait I mean Ginkakuji), then finished up walking around and shopping in Teramachi. Then back on the shinkansen (a.k.a. bullet train. Thanks to Willem for the ticket). God I love the shinkansen. Shame it's so expensive...

Anyway, very nice day all in all. Crowds weren't too overwhelming. Felt a bit lonely perhaps walking around all day on my own.

You can see my photos here.

昨日の京都の日帰りは楽しかったよ~♪。 だって、今日体がちょっと疲れてきたもん。。。大変いっぱい歩いた! 脚が痛いぃ。。。

国際交流協会で仕事を探したかったので、まず地下鉄で東山へ行ったことにしました。 近いの寺を見に行って、哲学道を散歩して銀閣寺に行った。 その後、バスで金閣寺に行った。 最後寺町に買い物に行って、駅に行って新幹線で名古屋に帰った。

人がちょっといっぱいだったが、たいしたものじゃなかった。 でも、終日ひとりで過ごしたのは寂しかったものだ :(

写真がコチラで集まった。 うわ~、桜がきれいだね。。。


an observer April 07, 2007 5:59 PM  

Kyoto was absolutely beautiful! Those were really nice photos.


Yuks April 07, 2007 7:14 PM  

Oh my! That's amazingly beautiful!! Lovely cherry blossom x
Thanks for many of nice photos which remind me.. terrible hay fever:p you alright with that?

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