。。。に、どういうわけか興味がある >< 今日の仕事はそんなに忙しくないので。。。このサイト、いい勉強になった、へへ。 (英語を勉強している方向けだけど) http://home.alc.co.jp/db/owa/s_kaydic?ctg_in=4
For some unknown reason, I have long held a fascination with gitaigo and giongo...these being onomatopeic Japanese words expressing sounds, feelings, and assorted more abstract concepts. That said, I don't use them very often in daily conversation because a) they are hard to remember and b) they kind of make you sound like a cartoon character. My recent favorites are as follows. I've taken the liberty of providing English example sentences so that you can work them into your everyday conversation.
- ムカムカ (muka-muka) : queasiness; nausea (I feel a bit muka-muka today)
- グニャグニャ (gunya-gunya) : having a gummy consistency; viscous (this toffee is quite gunya-gunya)
- ゴチャゴチャ (gocha-gocha) : being in a mess/disorder (sorry, we can't go to my place, it's totally gocha-gocha)
- ムニュムニュ (munyu-munyu) : to mumble (whatchoo munyu-munyu-ing about Willis!!)
- ポカポカ (poka-poka) : warm; nice weather (that lovely Michael Fish from off the telly said that it would be poka-poka tomorrow; oooh I do like him, he wears the nicest sweaters)
- ブツブツ (butsu-butsu) : (1) grumbling; (2) rash; spots; pimples (his face was all like butsu-butsu and stuff, I mean, like hell-LO? what was Courtney, like, thinking, setting me up with a total baboon like that? Oh, and like oh my GOD you are not gonna BELIEVE how much he butsu-butsu'd on the way to the White Castle)
Ah, nothing beats a nice bit of language butchery.
As a postscript...I've been playing Taiko no Tatsujin on my DS rather too much recently, and I can't get the "Tarako" song (which features in it) out of my head...so I thought I'd look up the full version on Youtube, and...erm...good grief but this country is warped.
Just FYI it takes as it's subject matter a particular brand of pasta sauce, as if that helps clear things up.

・ぶかぶか( 例「ぶかぶかのズボン」自分にとって大き過ぎる衣類や靴、装身具を身につけたりその状態を表す時に使います。)
Sakuraさん、返事がちょっと遅くなっちゃったが、本当にありがとうございます ^^ すごい勉強になりました!
最近、もう一つの表現が出てきた(会社の同僚が教えてくれた): 「ガラガラと閉める」
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