How is everyone?
My 3rd summer in Japan is looming ominously on the horizon...we are currently in the rainy season and the heat/humidity/sweatiness levels are well and truly on the rise...I am slowly becoming more and more thankful that I will be spending the majority of the summer in a nice air-conditioned office. My blood's too thick for Nevada, er Nagoya. Always work a Hunter S. Thompson quote in if you can, that's what I say.
Still, the evenings are rather pleasant so I walk home after work most evenings. Which reminds me...I have created a short Google maps tour of my immediate surroundings. Check it yo!
Also, against my better judgement, I have uploaded several photographs taken by myself during work outings.

Also, I hate to sound like the Wikipedia front page, but did you know that Japan still has the death penalty (for homicide and treason only)? I didn't, until they hanged a 1980s serial killer shortly after the recent Akihabara massacre.
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