Still alive
I took some photos of the Christmas illuminations at Nagoya station, they're very nice, if usually a little crowded...
So...what else have I been up to? Hmmm...
Bought a new phone,'s very swish...interested parties can check it out here. No, I didn't get an iPhone, I have my reasons, mostly financial...
Been going to some gigs...fascinated though I'm sure you all are by my gigging activities...most recent was last Friday when I went to the rather tiny KD Japon to see some young fellows with very interesting haircuts named Gegegege Quartet (they're a trio). I felt kinda bad, they were fantastic and energetic but there were about 15 ppl in the audience (due largely to the size of the venue) can only applaud so loudly. That's them in the the Wu Tang shirts! Also on the bill were two performance artists and a group of studenty types who had a naivete vaguely reminiscent of Maher Shalal Hash Baz (at least in my head they did).Also went to see ex-Boredoms guitarist Seiichi Yamamoto and, in late Sept., a very enjoyable collaboration between Nagoya's own Acid Mothers Temple and Osaka noise legends Hijokaidan...a gig that was flimed and has since been released on DVD...will get my hands on it to check if I am at all visible! (I was down the front, hehe). I actually filmed the entire gig myself from the mosh pit (such as it was) on my little digital camera, only to accidentally delete the main chunk of video in a frantic attempt to make space on the memory card for post-show photos. Curse you cruel fate!
Sorry for the gig reports but I felt compelled to write something, and writing about music is much more enjoyable than laying my daily life bare for the Internet to peruse! So you can just go away.
Back in the UK 19th Dec - 2nd Jan!
The cell phone looks nice. So you've got the golden one? I like the pink one...:)
Nah, I got the white one :)
I watch 笑っていいとも (a TV show) on it at work (only during lunchtime, natch ;) )
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