August 31, 2006

It's been September for one day and already the weather seems to be changing. Woke up this morning to very heavy rain (which I had to go to school in), and I've just (8pm) been to the store and the temperature is actually approaching what could be described as "cool". This is very good news.

Sounds cliché, but I can't believe how quickly this term has gone. Last term seemed to go really slowly (in a good way), but this one still feels to me like it's only just started. However, it turns out that I only have 3 weeks left.

I'm enjoying things in general. It's just kind of hard having to work at the same time as studying, especially when the work in question makes you incredibly nervous. I think I'm finding that sometimes I'm lacking the energy and time to study by myself as much as I'd like. And relaxation is at a bit of a premium. But in a perverse kind of way, I'm kind of enjoying having a lot of challenges.

やっと、DSライトを見つけました! すごい楽し。 今日、昼休みにクラスの友達といっしょにマリオカートをしました。 もちろん、僕、勝ちました。 :)

天気はもうすこし涼しくなりそです。 うれしいだね。 できれば、夏はもうすぐおわります...

あとしか3週間ぐらいがありませんね...早かったですよ...今学期の勉強するのは、まだよくない吸収しました(覚えました?)。 新しい言語を覚えるのは長い時間とよく使用がかかると思いました。 国へ帰ったあとで、忘れないために、日本語を話す機運(opportunity)をさがそうとおもっています。


Anonymous,  September 02, 2006 3:23 AM  

"It's been September for one day and already the weather seems to be changing."

Demo...your blog claims it's still August. Your blog is lying to us...

ジョン September 02, 2006 2:28 PM  

Hey, that's true!




ajf September 03, 2006 1:50 PM  

Hmm, very odd...I wrote it on the evening of Sept. 1st...

ジョン September 03, 2006 8:49 PM  
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